What Makes A Great Memorial Card
Funeral cards, also known as the memorial cards are personalized and customized memos sent out to the concerned people given at memorials, funerals or celebrations of life ceremonies to honor a life of a loved one. Even though we can now see a lot of memorial card templates online and on designing shops, a lot of thought still has to be put in when designing a memorial card.
A memorial card is basically a double sided card that includes a prayer or verse and sometimes also a photographs of the person who has passed away. These cool memorial card templates are usually given out at wakes, viewings and memorial services.
A wallet memorial card is a compressed and compact funeral card that can be carried anywhere you go. This small sized credit card sized memo usually carries features like the deceased photograph, name and perhaps their favorite quote or verse.
How to Personalize a Memorial Card
According to the tradition and values of a deceased, one may want to customize and give a personalized touch to the memorial card. The customization may depend on the family’s tradition, their favorite pastime, career or the things that were valued by him the most.
It could also be saying of their own that will make you think of them at all times or probably a favorite song lyric that reflected something about their personality that could be incorporated in the card to make it more valuable.
As a special and memorable kind of memorial card, some people also often get invitations online in Australia to keep that one special person in mind at all times. If you are designing a memorial card, some of the designers also give the option of laminating the bookmark or also add up a decorative tassel.
Wordings to be incorporated in Memorial Cards
When preparing a memorial card, a lot of thought has to be put in as anything wrong can be back fired pretty badly. So in order to make the perfect memorial card one has to be careful with the wording which is why we have gathered some of the commonly used wordings that can be incorporated and are commonly used in the memorial cards:
Name of the person
Their date of birth and date of death
Favorite quote of the deceased, verse from a favorite poem, verse, prayer or lyric.
A memorable photo of how people will remember him for lifetime.
Other details that can also be incorporated in the funeral card are as follows:
The plot number and the cemetery where the deceased will be buried.
The names of the spouse and parents who preceded them.
A personal sentiment from the family.